Official site for OnlyFord Automobile Club....
We aren't just a automobile club....we are a civic minded family, committed to helping veterans and first responders!

We aren't just a automobile club....we are a civic minded family, committed to helping veterans and first responders!
Our mission is to bring the all Ford automobile community together for a charitable cause, SAVE22. We pride ourselves on being friendly, family friendly and community oriented. We are a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization which benefits, SAVE22 ( ) and a registered charity with the Secretary of the Sate of South Carolina Charities division. We are a CIVIC minded auto club.
OnlyFord hosts some of the most beautiful Ford powered motor vehicles in the area, and provides a platform for Ford Auto enthusiasts to share their passion. We are immensely thankful for the support we have received and are proud of the vibrant family we have created. Whether you are a show vehicle or a spectator, we invite you to join us at our events and be part of the OnlyFord family.
As a member of OnlyFord, you will receive an OnlyFord T-Shirt, challenge coin and car badge. You will be given opportunities to volunteer and make a positive impact in your community. ....We are a civic minded auto club, and united as FAMILY!
Founded in 2023, OnlyFord is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit and registered charity through the Sate of South Carolina Charities division.
All donations are tax deductible
Click here to pay dues ($30.00) for a new membership.
In the notes section, please add your phone number, email address, mailing address, and your year, model, and color of your Ford.
Your membership includes one badge, t-shirt (specify size) and a challenge coin.
If your badge is damaged, your windshield is replaced, or you need badges for additional cars, please purchase by clicking the button below. Please indicate Horizontal or oval.
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OnlyFord...Ford powered vehicles welcome in our family!
We love talking to potential members and sponsors, so feel free to visit at one of our events.
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States
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