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Our mission is to bring the Ford community together for a charitable cause, SAVE22. We pride ourselves on being friendly, and community oriented. Our members are like family! We are a non-profit organization which has partnered with and benefits SAVE22 ( )
Joining OnlyFord Myrtle Beach is simple! Just head over to our website and fill out the membership form. Once you complete the form Please email us at or and include your name, phone, email address, mailing address, if you are a veteran, shirt size, and a photo of your car.
We organize a variety of events throughout the year, including large events during mustang week, cruise ins, Cars and Coffee and destination cruises such as The Tail of the Dragon and off road competitions. Our events are designed to raise money for veteran and first responder PTSD awareness and suicide prevention, and bring the all Ford automobile community together in fellowship. We are open to all Ford powered vehicles in the Coastal Carolinas region.
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